St Philip’s Marsh Nursery School is an inclusive school which welcomes all children from all communities.
We aim to make our School a place where everyone – children and adults, family members and staff, irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability or religion:
- feels safe, secure and well supported;
- feels valued, respected and empowered;
- is motivated and excited to learn;
- is enabled to contribute to our collaborative learning – together.
In this environment, each unique child is supported to:
- grow in self-esteem, confidence and independence;
- build positive relationships with adults and peers;
- explore a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum;
- develop effective life-long learning skills.
We put children at the heart of what we do
We offer an environment where children:
- have an opportunity to share ideas, views and opinions;
- are listened to and respected;
- are offered a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum;
- can experience a rich, stimulating and dynamic learning environment;
- can learn through a well structured, well planned, creative curriculum approach;
- work with adults who value, respect, support and scaffold their learning;
- experience adults working together in partnership with parents/carers and the community.