Session Times

We offer flexible session times and can also offer additional hours (enhanced provision) for families experiencing some difficulties.  Please talk to the Headteacher if you would like to know more about this.

Breakfast Club – 7.45 am – 9.00 am

3 hour morning session: 9.00 am – 12.00 noon (children do not have lunch but do have an opportunity for milk and snack during the morning)

3 hour afternoon session: 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm (children do not have lunch but do have an opportunity for milk and snack during the afternoon)

6 hour full-day session: 9.00 am – 3.30 pm (this session includes lunch – children need to bring a packed lunch or you can pay for a school dinner)

After School Club – 3.30 pm to 5.45 pm

We offer a variety of ways for parents to access the 15 hours free early education entitlement for their children.  The most popular sessions are 5 mornings (9.00 am – 12.00 noon) or 5 afternoons (12.30 pm – 3.30 pm).  We also offer two whole days and one half day session. For example, whole day sessions on Monday and Tuesday and half day session on Wednesday morning. Alternatively, half day session on Wednesday afternoon and whole day sessions on Thursday and Friday.  In addition, working families can ‘top up’ these hours at a very reasonable cost.

For families experiencing difficulties we can offer some additional hours (enhanced provision) at no extra cost.  These places are allocated according to priority and must meet Local Authority criteria.  If you would like to know more about this, please talk to the Headteacher.

The Nursery School also offers 30 hours per week for 38 weeks per year free education and care to families who meet the government guidelines.  Please download the 30 hours brochure for further information.  The Nursery School will also be able to offer additional hours to families who may not meet these criteria.  We will be happy to discuss individual circumstances with you on application.

It is very important that we know who is collecting your child from school. If you have to make a change in arrangements, please let your key person know in advance. If arrangements have to be made at short notice, please phone the School 0117 977 6171 so that we can let your child know.  Please ensure we have up to date phone numbers for you and other people on your contact list so that we can contact you in an emergency if it is necessary.

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