
Our school environment has been developed to increase opportunities for children to take more control in their learning, supporting greater freedom of choice over where to learn, whilst maintaining a strong positive relationship with their key person.

Click the images below to explore St Philip’s Marsh Nursery School in pictures.


Indoor creative area

Indoor creative area

This area is used for playdough and clay modelling, water play, sand play, junk modelling, painting, cutting, sticking and messy play (slime, cornflour, shaving foam),

Willow room – indoor rainforest

Willow room – indoor rainforest

Amrish from the Bristol Rainforest has helped us to create our very own indoor rainforest which the children take care of. Caring for plants has been proven to help children in reducing anxiety and improving mental wellbeing as well as a valuable teaching tool for...

Family Room

Family Room

The Family Room is probably the most well used room in the School as this is where our Stay and Play sessions and Froglets (Breakfast Club and After School Club) take place.  We also use the room for cooking and baking with the children.



We have an extensive library area in Reception and parents are very welcome to come and sit in this area and read with their children. We also encourage parents to borrow books from the library to read with their children at home. [gallery ids="11700,11701,11702"...



We have a rich and exciting outside area which includes sound and sensory areas, mud kitchen, playhouses, maze, vegetable patch, pond and small orchard.  This garden has been carefully planned to challenge and extend the children's...

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