ZooLab 2024

Last week we had some minibeasts visit the School.  Zoolab brought a Giant African Millipede and a Giant African Land Snail which the children were able to touch and handle if they wished.  They also brought a Chilean Rose Tarantula for the children to look at but that stayed in its container.  During the workshop, the children got a fun introduction to invertebrates. They got to investigate and learn about scientific discovery.

What is a Minibeast?

A Minibeast is a creature without a backbone. In fact, Minibeasts don’t have any bones at all – their bodies have different structures for movement and protection. Invertebrates come in many shapes and sizes, living in a variety of different habitats in almost all parts of the world. They’re not hard to locate – you can even find them in your garden.

These hardy creatures have special adaptations that allow them to live in the toughest of environments. Their hard exoskeleton helps them keep waterproof in wet, damp conditions such as rivers and stops them drying out in hot, sandy environments such as deserts and scrubland.

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